Guided Meditation

From my heart and soul, I welcome you to my Guided Meditation. 💛

You can practice it before going to bed tonight, after your wake up in the morning or anytime during the day.

Body Scan Mindfulness Meditation (12 mins)

☘️The Art of Living – Meditation ☘️

12 Science-Based Benefits of Meditation:

 1. Reduces Stress
 2. Controls Anxiety
 3. Promotes Emotional Health
 4. Enhances Self-Awareness
 5. Lengthens Attention Span
 6. May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss
 7. Can Generate Kindness
 8. May Help Fight Addictions
 9. Improves Sleep
 10. Helps Control Pain
 11. Can Decrease Blood Pressure
 12. You Can Meditate Anywhere

Loving Kindness Meditation (11 mins)