When I reflected on my past on the day of my birthday, I realised that I have been pursuing freedom my whole life.
- The freedom to follow my passion and joy when I was a little girl;
- The freedom to come to Australia by myself to pursue my dream and lifestyle;
- The freedom to travel and explore different places and experience different cultures;
- The freedom to say no and set boundaries in a relationship;
- The freedom to fly an aircraft and being up in the sky;
- The freedom to be independent financially;
- …..
But, I’m still not getting 100% freedom. There is still something there, something that is holding me back and keep me trapped.
Until this year I have done lots of work and dig deep on myself, and I realised that freedom comes from within.
It comes from being true to myself, living life on my own terms and accepting and loving myself unconditionally.
Living life on my own terms means having purpose and fulfillment in my life, as well as having freedom and flexibility to do what matters most to me.
You might be thinking, “Well, everyone wants to live life on their own terms, but how?”
【Quick exercise】
Here is a quick exercise with 7 tips to help you start living life on your own terms.
1. Visualise Your Dream Life
It starts with knowing what you want your life to look like. What are some of the dreams you have for your life? Who are you? Who do you want to become? What did you always want to do when you grew up? Why are all of these important to you?
Take some time to consider what your ideal life would be if money and time were not an issue.
2. Consider where you are
After you dream a little, next you want to consider reality. What are you doing currently? Is what you are doing moving you closer to those dreams and goals? Or are you stuck?
Take a few minutes to assess your current situation.
3. Think about the past
Next, think about the past. What have you tried in the past to get closer to your goals? Maybe you’ve tried a party plan business to earn some extra money. Or perhaps you attempted launching your own clothing business.
Consider whether your past efforts have worked and whether they have helped you get closer to your ideal life.
4. Assess your options
Now, assess your options. What can you change in your current situation that will help you get closer to living life on your own terms? Do you need to consider a career change? Restructure your family’s schedule by cutting out extra activities so that you have more time together? Perhaps you need to find a way to earn extra income so that you can pay off debt.
Brainstorm a list of potential options. Don’t edit yourself or assume you can’t do something – just write down everything that pops into your mind.
5. Talk to others
Next, talk to someone else who is living life on their own terms. It is helpful to get the perspective of someone who is already where you want to be. This is why it’s important to start with what you want your life to look like.
It will be easier to identify others who are living the way you want to be if it’s clear in your own mind.
Or you can book a value call and have a chat with us.
My coaching vision is to guide, support, challenge and empower you to grow by analysing your current situation, identifying limiting beliefs and other potential challenges and obstacles you face, offering you a fresh and different perspective, and devising a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes in your life.
6. Make a plan
Once you’ve done a “brain dump” of ideas, and you’ve talked to others who are living life on their own terms, you’re ready to make a plan. It’s unlikely that you can create the life you want overnight. You may need to make a 6-month plan, a 12-month plan or a 5-year plan, depending on how far away you are from that goal right now. But if you don’t write it down and create a plan, it’s not going to happen!
Once you’ve created an overall plan to live life on your own terms, break it down into 90-day goals and objectives. This makes it less overwhelming and easier to accomplish.
7. Take action and find an accountability partner!
Finally, take action! If you don’t start, you’ll never create the life you long for. You’ve got to start taking steps towards your goals each and every day in order to make it happen. It helps to have an accountability partner (e.g. life coach) or a team to support you along the way.
When you team up with others who are also working towards living life on their own terms, you’ll be much more likely to stay motivated and find success.