What are Emotions?
I once heard that “Emotions” are “E-Motions = Energy in Motion”. I think this is beautifully put.
In itself, emotional energy is neutral. It is the feeling sensation and physiological reaction that makes a specific emotion positive or negative. Feeling is what you label as anger, sadness, joy or fear. It is then your interpretations or thoughts about emotional energy that give it meaning. Emotion serves as the carrier waves for the entire spectrum of feelings.
Understanding that emotions are energy implies that they are fluid, moving resources meant to be felt and released vs. suppressed and ignored. The latter is the true culprit of low emotional intelligence and stress burnout.
Before we look at the different tips and techniques for moving up this emotional scale, there are several things that you need to understand about feelings and emotions:
- Emotions and feelings are influenced by our thoughts and perceptions.
- We tend to suppress our feelings, and suppressed feelings lead to anxiety and depression.
- Feelings are contagious.
- We are all entitled to have feelings. Feelings simply exist. We are all human, and we all sometimes feel jealousy, hatred, frustration, irritation and other negative emotions. There is no need to blame yourself for these feeling because this way you will only create even more negative emotions. Just accept that you feel what you feel and get ready to turn the negative energy into positive energy.
- Bad feelings lead to even worse feelings. But good feelings create better feelings. This is the concept of upward and downward spirals. We will talk about this as you read more below.
Why Emotions and Vibration Matter?
From a law of attraction standpoint, your emotions are like a compass that point you straight towards the fulfillment of your deepest desires.
Your vibration matters because the law of attraction is ALWAYS attracting things to you that match your vibration.
Simply stated, if you feel good you’re in an awesome high vibrational place, allowing all the goodies of life to come your way. If you feel bad, then you’re obviously in a lower vibrational state, resisting the goodies.
I believe that understanding your thoughts and emotions is step one to becoming the creator of your own reality and taking your life back.
This does not mean that you have to be happy all the time or that feeling negative emotions is somehow wrong or bad. Ups and downs are a natural flow of life. And we can’t even have good feeling emotions without the contrast of the “bad” ones. But wouldn’t you prefer to be up more than down? I think yes.
How to Identify Emotions?
The Emotional Guidance Scale created by Abraham Hicks is a super valuable tool that demonstrates how, through baby steps, you can move up the emotional scale one emotion at a time. It has all the common emotions listed from high vibration to low vibration (top to bottom).
The scale looks something like this…

The idea is that you can use this knowledge to your advantage and always reach for a slightly better feeling emotion, no matter where you are on the scale at any time!
One-by-one, you can climb your way up the emotional ladder in small, manageable steps.
“Just like when you set your radio tuner on 98.6, you can’t hear what’s being broadcast on 101 FM: Your frequencies have to sync up. So, the frequency of your desire and the frequency of your day-to-day thought about your desire have to be on the same vibrational wavelength. And how do you know when it is? It feels good to think about it.”
— Abraham Hicks
How to Decode Emotions?

1. Ask yourself “When was the last time I feel emotional?”
In that situation, what happened? When? With who? How?
2. Check your thoughts:
- What did I think or imagaine at that time?
- What went through my mind?
- What did that say or mean about me or the situation?
3. Check your Movie Mind:
- Is there any movie (past experience or future projection) running in my head?
- What’s the emotional trigger (Immediate default reaction)?
- What is it about that trigger? (e.g. childhood experience)
4. Check your Emotions / Feelings
- What emotion did I feel at the time?
- How intense was that feeling? (0-10)
5. Check your Physical / Body sensations
- What did I notice in my body?
- What did I feel?
- Where did I feel it?

How to Manage Emotions?

How to Move Up the Emotional Guidance Scale?

Here are 3 simple but powerful techniques for moving up the emotional scale.
1. Priming the Scale
The morning is a magical time; you have a blank slate to work with as you first emerge from the unconscious world of sleep. Therefore, what you think and feel during these early moments can have a huge impact on where you lie on the emotional scale throughout the day.
Find something to be grateful for as soon as you wake up. Focus on it for 1-2 minutes before getting out of bed. Connect those feelings of gratitude toward your intention to manifest what you want, and let excitement and enthusiasm flood your body.
On a side note, the morning is also an excellent time to engage in spiritual activities like meditation, creative visualisation, or yoga. If you can set aside 10-20 minutes for one of those activities, you’re starting the day as far up the emotional scale as possible.
2. Balancing the Scale
You can’t avoid encountering at least a small amount of negativity in the world each day; whether it comes from someone with a bad attitude or from a devastating story in the news. And, as you know, you do attract what you emit and you’re emitting at least a degree of negativity when you encounter these things.
Using the Law of Attraction doesn’t require you to deliberately blind yourself to all negativity to the point that you’re entrenched in denial. While it is, of course, important to create a positive environment internally and externally, it’s useful to acknowledge the existence of negativity so that you can deliberately and purposefully balance the scale of what you are manifesting.
Since positive feelings, beliefs, and thoughts hold so much more power than negative ones, even simple exercises can serve as scale-balancing. For example, try taking just 10-15 minutes per day to intentionally reflect on things that are only positive. You can do this any way that feels right; whether you visualise wonderful memories, focus on upcoming events, or write down lists of things that make you happy.
Regardless of your approach, you should quickly start to see the scale turning; more positive things and events will likely come your way.
3. Maintaining Your Place on the Scale
There are also little things you can do throughout the day to reduce your chances of sliding back down the emotional scale. In particular, it’s crucial to take breaks from the demands of work, family, and society in order to quiet your mind and reconnect with the present moment.
As you’ll know from reading common Law of Attraction success stories, mindfully anchoring yourself to the present reliably accelerates the manifestation process.
Try taking simple breaks of 1-2 minutes every couple of hours. Commit to focusing purely on your breathing during these interludes. Breathe deeply, inhaling from your diaphragm and filling up your lungs. Then slowly and gently exhale as you feel your body relax.
If you’re already used to practicing mindfulness exercises, you might prefer to spend 1-2 minutes on your breath and then a further 1-2 minutes connecting with all of your bodily sensations and systematically relaxing any tense muscles you encounter.
Regardless of its deceptive simplicity, this type of exercise helps you disconnect from external stressors and builds the type of resilience that keeps you at a reliably productive place on the emotional scale.

Want More?

Cyndi Liang is the Founder, Certified Self-Worth & EQ Coach, Counsellor, EQ Assessor, NLP Practitioner at CExperiences.
Cyndi’s Specialised Areas:
Self-Worth Confidence Coaching
Emotions Counselling & Coaching
Communication/Social Skills Coaching
Relationship Counselling & Coaching
Depression/Anxiety Counselling & Coaching
Abuse Counselling & Coaching
Conflict Resolution/Anger Management Coaching
Addictions Counselling & Coaching
Loss and Grief Counselling & Coaching
Self-Esteem Counselling & Coaching
Mental Health Counselling & Coaching
Life Transitions Counseling & Coaching
Book a FREE 20-min Call with Cyndi now to find out how she can help you!
More Resources

In my 31 Days Self-Worth Workbook, I share my methods and self-worth building practical exercises to help you move up you emotional scale and unlock your self-worth step-by-step, day-by-day!
This life changing workbook is a journey of remembering where your true power lies. You’ll learn how to co-create the life you want. You’ll accept that life can flow, that attracting is fun, and that you don’t have to work so hard to get what you want.
It includes:
👉 31 x Practical Exercises – 67 pages and 5 Weeks of self-worth building exercises, self-reflection and empowering learnings for loving yourself year-round.
👉 Proven methods — Grow with daily exercises based in positive psychology, mindfulness, and other effective methodologies.
👉 Personal space — Worksheets with the simple layout and blank lines, so you can write directly on the pages; and inspiring quotes add a little boost of courage.
👉 Chart a course — Follow the Workbook from beginning to end, or pick your favorite Self-Worth Building Exercise to practice on a daily basis.
Grab your FREE Copy (Week 1 with 7 practical exercises) Now! – Limited Time only