
#18 How to overcome Fear of Failure?

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Do you want to try something new, meet someone new, or get out of your comfort zone to do something differently, BUT… 

Your fear of failure keeps you from trying, creates self-doubt and then you feel frustrated, disappointed and angry with yourself afterwards…☹️

When you allow fear to stop your forward progress in life, you’re likely to miss some great opportunities along the way.

It’s important to develop better self-awareness so that you know what needs to be changed. 

8 Signs You Might Have a Fear of Failure:

Can you recognise any of the following signs? 

# 1. You worry about what other people think about you.

# 2. You worry about how smart or capable you are.

# 3. You worry that people will lose interest in you.

# 4. You worry about disappointing people whose opinion you value.

# 5. You worry about your ability to pursue the future you desire.

# 6. You tend to tell people beforehand that you don’t expect to succeed in order to lower their expectations.

# 7. You often get last-minute headaches, stomach aches, or other physical symptoms that prevent you from completing your preparation.

# 8. You often procrastinate or get distracted by tasks that prevent you from completing your preparation which, in hindsight, were not as urgent as they seemed at the time.

Once you recognise that you have these signs and/or patterns, what are you going to do about it?

Causes of Fear of Failure:

To find an effective solution to conquer your fear, we first need to understand the causes of your fear of failure.

Fear of failure is often caused by fear of shame or unworthiness. 😔

Trying and failing confirms what one already fears — that one is not good enough. You may often have these negative thoughts or Inner Critic e.g. “I’ll never be good enough to get that promotion,” or “I’m not smart enough to do that…” 

The fear of failing can be immobilizing – it can cause us to do nothing, and therefore resist moving forward.

So, what can you do instead?

What can you do to prevent fear of failure from holding you back?

How to Stop Living in FEAR?

Here are some easy and powerful tips to help you overcome Fear of Failure: 

Tip 1: Understand what is Fear and how you interpret FEAR. 

Write this down, or print out the photo below and post it on your wall.
“FEAR means False Evidence Appearing Real.”

Also, you’re the creator of your own life. It’s up to you to decide how you want to live your life. 

Option A: Forget Everything And Run…

Option B: Face Everything And Rise!

The choice is yours!

(Fear is your own imagination. Don’t create a horror story that doesn’t serve you. Pull back, look at a bigger picture and gain some perspectives.)

Tip 2: But, How about Failure? What is failure? 

“There is such thing no failure, it’s only Feedback!”

It’s feedback and information to help you find a better way to do things, review, adjust and make changes as required.

Success is NOT a straight line!

Tip 3: Focus your time, energy and resources on what’s in your control.

Things NOT in your control? Learn to ACCEPT!

Things IN your control? TAKE ACTION.

Also, this is very important, TRUST YOURSELF. You already have the power within you to achieve anything you want, learn to be resourceful!

Instead of saying “I Can’t…”, ask yourself “HOW can I…?”

Want More Tips? 

Do you want to learn more coaching techniques, practical tips, effective strategies and proven methods to help you overcome your fears, build your confidence, self-worth and skills?

Do you need support and guidance to help you conquer your fears rather than keeping living in fears?

Do you want to fast track your results, get expert experience and insight, blueprint, action plan to achieve what you want in your career/business, relationships, health and other aspects of your life? 

Cyndi can help you!

You can start coaching/counselling with Cyndi NOW. 👍

👉 Cyndi Liang is a certified Self-Worth & EQ Coach, Therapist/Counsellor and NLP Practitioner. Cyndi will give you a totally personalised solution for the best possible results, also guide & support you through your Self-worth & Growth journey! 


Read client testimonials and success stories here

Get Started or Have a Question?

Simply Book a FREE 30-min call with Cyndi to see how she can help you. 💛

“No matter what you want to achieve, it’s a well-known fact that you’ll always get there faster with support.”

Book a call with Cyndi here NOW!

#18 How to overcome Fear of Failure? Read More »

#14 Self-Worth and The Courage to Pause

“We’re a culture of people who have bought into the idea that if we stay busy enough, the truth of our lives won’t catch up with us”  – Brené Brown

Ooops! I did it again…

I had a long to-do list in front of me, and writing to you is one of them, although I planned to do it last week among many other things…

Not sure if you’re feeling the same (let me know if you are). I have been on an emotional roller coaster lately. I was feeling anxious, stressed, overwhelmed and had lots of resistance and guilt coming up to me, even though I want to do more and help more people.

I spoke to a friend whom I am very grateful for questioning me at that time “Cyndi, why are doing this to yourself?” followed by “Why do you have to do it now, why can’t you take a break and do it later? You can’t take care of others if you can’t take care of yourself!”

“This hurts!” But so true!

Busyness hurts, and so does realising we are caught up in it. But let’s face it – That is a culture that has raised us to believe that our worth is in how much we achieve and how much we do.

We live in a fast-pace and very achievement oriented society that has us tapped into a system that is all externally referenced. We’re taught to look outside ourselves and compare with others to see if we’re doing okay. And all the systems outside of us are organised according to what degrees do you have, how much money do you have in the bank, what kind of achievements have you racked up? And so most of us have this internal programming that is, if I’m not striving to do more, if I’m not achieving enough than therefore I’m not valuable, if I’m not working, then I’m wasting time and I would feel guilty about it. And that really doesn’t serve us because it has most people overworking. And it generates a constant underlying feeling of not being enough, which is pretty devastating to the way we feel about ourselves and the way we live our life.

But do you know that Your worth is based on who you are, not based on how much you do?

Do you know that rest, self-care, good sleep and healthy lifestyle are also very important? When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel.

Have you heard of the 80/20 Rule that says that 80% of our results are caused by 20% of our actions? Sometimes less is more, we can work smarter, not harder.


After taking a nice relaxing break to rest and recharge in the last few days, I’m feeling much better, energised and motivated with joy and inner peace, and I’m actually singing along  as I’m writing to you now. =)

I want to share with you some coping strategies that I use so that you can also practice self-care, self-acceptance, self-compassion and develop “self-worth muscle”.

1. Focus on your Breathing
Take a “purposeful pause” of just a few minutes, focus on your breath, body and mind.
How is your breathing right now? How does your body feel? Are there any tensions anywhere? What are your thoughts and feelings and what is your attitude towards them?

You do not need to change anything, it is not at all a question of feeling better or different, but simply of being aware and observe your thoughts and feelings passing in front of you, accept them all in a non-judgmental way.

2. Daily Routine to Practice Mindfulness
Finding one or more routine moments in your daily lives to “be all here”, using a playful, experiential approach, like:

  • Drinking your first tea/coffee in the morning, paying attention to its preparation, the aroma, the sensations on the hands holding the cup and the ones linked to the taste; the lingering flavour in the mouth, the sipping process;
  • Opening your front door on the way to work, or the office door on the way in (focusing on body movements, then zooming in to the hand, the sensations on the skin, and widening to any feelings, thoughts or even sounds);
  • Walking on the street, paying attention to the sensations under our feet, the pace, the surrounding environment.

3. Digital Detox with ‘54321’
Put your digital devices away and get back to nature (e.g. cloud spotting, walk to a park, water your plants, stargazing…etc)

  • 5. Look for 5 things you can see
  • 4. Feel 4 things you can touch
  • 3. Listen for 3 sounds
  • 2. Smell 2 things in front of you
  • 1. Taste 1 of these things.

Take a deep breath in and enjoy being in the present moment. Life is full of abundance!
All of these suggestions ultimately help you remember to take care of yourselves, simply recognising that you are worth it.

Yet this is only possible if, on one hand, you are able to foster a friendly, caring attitude towards yourselves, for example by asking yourselves a few times a day what it is that you really need right now; and on the other, if you are willing to find the courage to pause, to have a short break, a few seconds of silence – sometimes even just a breath.

You are allowed! You’re already 100% worthy…

Much love,

👉 Need 1-on-1 Support?

I’m Cyndi Liang, qualified NLP Practitioner and  Self-Worth Coach at CExperiences. I can help you unlock your self-worth, reduce stress and anxiety, release emotional blockages, live a balanced life with love, joy, courage, financial freedom and fulfillment. 

💕 For a limited time, I’m offering a FREE 30-min 1-1 self-worth session. 
Book it now
to secure your FREE spot and start building your self-worth now!

#14 Self-Worth and The Courage to Pause Read More »

#12 Living Life On Your Own Terms

When I reflected on my past on the day of my birthday, I realised that I have been pursuing freedom my whole life.

  • The freedom to follow my passion and joy when I was a little girl;
  • The freedom to come to Australia by myself to pursue my dream and lifestyle;
  • The freedom to travel and explore different places and experience different cultures;
  • The freedom to say no and set boundaries in a relationship;
  • The freedom to fly an aircraft and being up in the sky;
  • The freedom to be independent financially;
  • …..

But, I’m still not getting 100% freedom. There is still something there, something that is holding me back and keep me trapped.

Until this year I have done lots of work and dig deep on myself, and I realised that freedom comes from within.

It comes from being true to myself, living life on my own terms and accepting and loving myself unconditionally.

Living life on my own terms means having purpose and fulfillment in my life, as well as having freedom and flexibility to do what matters most to me.

You might be thinking, “Well, everyone wants to live life on their own terms, but how?”


【Quick exercise】

Here is a quick exercise with 7 tips to help you start living life on your own terms.

1. Visualise Your Dream Life

It starts with knowing what you want your life to look like. What are some of the dreams you have for your life? Who are you? Who do you want to become? What did you always want to do when you grew up? Why are all of these important to you?

Take some time to consider what your ideal life would be if money and time were not an issue.

2. Consider where you are

After you dream a little, next you want to consider reality. What are you doing currently? Is what you are doing moving you closer to those dreams and goals? Or are you stuck?

Take a few minutes to assess your current situation.

3. Think about the past

Next, think about the past. What have you tried in the past to get closer to your goals? Maybe you’ve tried a party plan business to earn some extra money. Or perhaps you attempted launching your own clothing business.

Consider whether your past efforts have worked and whether they have helped you get closer to your ideal life.

4. Assess your options

Now, assess your options. What can you change in your current situation that will help you get closer to living life on your own terms? Do you need to consider a career change? Restructure your family’s schedule by cutting out extra activities so that you have more time together? Perhaps you need to find a way to earn extra income so that you can pay off debt.

Brainstorm a list of potential options. Don’t edit yourself or assume you can’t do something – just write down everything that pops into your mind.

5. Talk to others

Next, talk to someone else who is living life on their own terms. It is helpful to get the perspective of someone who is already where you want to be. This is why it’s important to start with what you want your life to look like.

It will be easier to identify others who are living the way you want to be if it’s clear in your own mind.

Or you can book a value call and have a chat with us. 

My coaching vision is to guide, support, challenge and empower you to grow by analysing your current situation, identifying limiting beliefs and other potential challenges and obstacles you face, offering you a fresh and different perspective, and devising a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes in your life.

6. Make a plan

Once you’ve done a “brain dump” of ideas, and you’ve talked to others who are living life on their own terms, you’re ready to make a plan. It’s unlikely that you can create the life you want overnight. You may need to make a 6-month plan, a 12-month plan or a 5-year plan, depending on how far away you are from that goal right now. But if you don’t write it down and create a plan, it’s not going to happen!

Once you’ve created an overall plan to live life on your own terms, break it down into 90-day goals and objectives. This makes it less overwhelming and easier to accomplish.

7. Take action and find an accountability partner!

Finally, take action! If you don’t start, you’ll never create the life you long for. You’ve got to start taking steps towards your goals each and every day in order to make it happen. It helps to have an accountability partner (e.g. life coach) or a team to support you along the way.

When you team up with others who are also working towards living life on their own terms, you’ll be much more likely to stay motivated and find success.

#12 Living Life On Your Own Terms Read More »

Creative Experience

#8 Live a Creative Life & Learn Chinese Culture/Language

【Creative Experience】
- A lesson learned from my 3-year old niece

I just had a video chat with my family to send my Chinese New Year wishes. When I saw my niece, I said “Happy New Year! Wishing you all the best in the Year of Rat!” My cheeky niece said “No! It’s not the Year of Rat, it’s the Year of Micky Mouse!”

To be honest, I don’t like calling it the ‘Year of the Rat’ either, but I just go with what I have been taught/heard instead of thinking outside of the box and finding creative ways to replace things we don’t like. And my 3-year old niece beats me to it!

What happens to our creativity as we get older? Wish I could still think like my niece!
While we can’t get younger, we certainly can and should find creative ways to think like kids.

Now look at these 2 words at the top on my photo:

Notice they are the same word. Only the “C” has been moved! When you “C” things correctly, you become Creative, rather than Reactive.

The point I am trying to make is that life is also a process of creation, and many of us keep living it as if it were a process of re-enactment.

Sometimes, we need to ignore our previous experience and just be in the present moment. See what is in front of you, what there is to work with right now in creating yourself anew.

A life live by CHOICE is a life of conscious CREATION.

A life live by CHANCE is a life of unconscious REACTION.

There is a creator in all of us and everyone has a choice in how to live their life. We can choose an easy path to cruise through life on autopilot and continue with the status quo or we can choose to live a life that’s uplifting, inspiring, fulfilling and meaningful.

When you know WHO YOU ARE and figure out your WHY, you can create WHO YOU WISH TO BE.

Be Creative in the Year of the Mickey Mouse!

【Learn Chinese Culture/Language Experience】- Chinese Zodiac

For those who are interested in knowing more about Chinese Zodiac or the Year of the Mickey Mouse (Rat) , check out this YouTube video and some information on the China Highlights website.

It’s a great way to learn some Chinese Culture on this special day to celebrate the Lunar New Year!

I was planning to go to the ‘Culture/Language Exchange’ event today, but just saw the news about a confirmed case of coronavirus in Melbourne, so probably better to stay at home and avoid the crowds. But we can still exchange Culture/Language learning experiences online. 

I would love to share more with you if you are interested in learning Chinese Culture or Language.

1. YouTube Video (As shown above)

2. Learn Chinese Zodiac:
* 12 Zodiac Signs
* What’s Your Zodiac Animal?

3. Year of the Rat 2020:…/chinese-zodiac/rat.htm
* Rat Years
* The Rat’s Characteristics and Personality
* Five Elements – Wood, Fire, Earth, Gold, and Water
* Rat’s Love Compatibility
* How to Build Relationships with Rats
* Lucky things for Rats
* Good Health for Rats
* Rats’ Horoscope in 2020
* Are Rat Years Unlucky Years for Rats?

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or if you want to book a Chinese lesson:

#8 Live a Creative Life & Learn Chinese Culture/Language Read More »

CExperiences Painting 'Formless Life'

#5 How to Find a solid ‘Anchor’ for Your Life?

Do you have an anchor? I have found that a solid anchor is indispensable to one who intends to live life full. 

Life has its highs and its lows, most of us get caught up in the drama of it all.

To have an anchor is to be centered and well grounded.

Without one, you become like a piece of driftwood floating with the tides.

Your anchor belongs to you. It comes from within. It comes out of your daily experiences of life. You learn and grow wise with the experiences of life. No matter what’s happening in the outside world, you know what you are supposed to do at the moment when you follow your anchor.

Genuine success in life is an inside job, you know.

With the anchor, you choose your actions and the result follows. You choose your cause and the effect follows.

Anchor in my life

When you develop your life around your anchor, your life belongs to you.

It’s only when we improve, that our lives improve. Everything you do in your outer world is an absolute consequence of what’s happening within you.

An anchor allows you to:

  • understand the unfoldment of life through various perceptions;
  • have a clarity in the midst of all the chaos and confusion of life;
  • keep you with your goals and keep you on the path towards your goals.
  • face the unforeseen situations and overcome setbacks in life;
  • focus your energy on things that are important to you and keep you in a right direction.

So, are you ready to find your anchors, build on them and fortify them?

Follow these CExperiences steps to begin your self-discovery and personal life transformation journey.

1. Commitment

If you are reading my post right now and saying ‘YES’ to this self-discovery experience, that’s a great start to show your commitment.

But to scale 1 to 10, what’s your willingness to change?

  • Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone, remove your limiting beliefs and overcome your fears?
  • Are you ready to show up when you don’t want to?
  • Are you ready to stop finding excuses to blame, shame and justify yourself?
  • Do you have a burning desire to become the best version of yourself and to live your life to the fullest?

2. Reflection and Visualisation

(1) What do you want for your life?

Start visualise your ideal day, what does it look like? Where would you be? What would you be doing? Who would be there with you? How would you feel?

(2) What sort of life will allow you to feel at peace at the end of your lifetime?

And imagine today is the last day of your wonderful life; ask yourself these 3 final questions:

  • Did I live wisely?
  • Did I love well?
  • Did I serve wholeheartedly?

When the ‘Why’ is big enough, the ‘How’ will show up.

Ask yourself 3 Questions (1)
Ask yourself 3 Questions (2)

3. Refine Your Values

Refine the vision for your life by organising it into these 4 ‘Anchors’.

  • Mindset
  • Heartset
  • Healthset
  • Soulset

Explore what each anchor may be comprised of. Pick two that mean the most to you. For example, the colorful bubbles in the outer circle are the ones that I identified in my life.

Then I brainstormed all possible ways to take action toward fortifying each anchor, even those that did not seem feasible.

Anchors of my life

4. Plan and Action

Start with one anchor.

Brainstorm all possible ways in which your vision could be realized.

Start listing steps you may need to take to strengthen that area with a 1-year, 3-year and 5-year plan.

Stay open minded and include all possibilities that occur to you.

Use the ‘IM SMART’ technique to assist with your planning:

  • Inspiring
  • Motivating
  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Risky
  • Tangible

Repeat with each anchor.

5. Focus and Apply

Every day, focus on what you really want, set goals and take consistent action toward your ultimate vision for each Anchor.

As part of your morning ritual:

  • Meditate and bring your attention to your original outlines, clarify what you really want.
  • Set 1-3 goals for the day and think about what would make today great?
  • Make a list of things you could do to achieve each goal.

During the day:

  • Notice distractions that tempt you to procrastinate.
  • Bring your attention back to your original outlines, and focus on what you want.

At night:

  • Write a journal to reflect on the day and re-evaluate the anchors you defined. What did I do well? How can I improve? Are they accurately reflecting your true values?
  • Share your stories and experiences with people who are important in your life.
  • Pay attention to the influences in your life, past and present, and how they may have shaped what you thought you wanted.

Last but not least, always be grateful.

Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Curious, so what!

With strong anchors, you will be able to weather any storm!


Behind you all the way =)

#5 How to Find a solid ‘Anchor’ for Your Life? Read More »

#2 Hawaii’s Secret to Happiness (It is a way of life)


Whenever I travel, I try to learn about what defines happiness in a particular culture.

Here’s a little reflection from me, as my vacation in Hawaii comes to an end. But I know that my search for happiness will never end, as my journey is not just to find happiness for myself, but to be a reservoir of joy, an oasis of peace, a pool of serenity that can ripple out to all those around us.

In Hawaii, it’s so easy to feel happy wherever you go, whatever you do or whoever you meet.  

The people who I talked to, including the bus drivers, hotel staff, Ukulele teacher, food truck owners, waiter and waitress at different restaurants and the 70-year old Uber driver, are indeed some of the happiest, kindest and most welcoming people that I’ve met.

So I was curious what their secrets to happiness are and what we can learn from Hawaiian to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Well, I quickly learned that paradise is not a location. It is a way of life.

#2 Hawaii’s Secret to Happiness (It is a way of life) Read More »

Poster CExperiences

#1 My Story, My Experience, My Life


I’m Cyndi, Founder and Life Coach at CExperiences, based in Sydney, Australia.

I’m also a lifestyle challenger, world explorer, experience collector and lifelong learner who believes that life is meant to be lived to the fullest and shared.

On 1 Aug 2019, I embarked on a new journey to create the ‘CExperiences’ community (Letter C stands for ‘Choose’, ‘Create’ and ‘Connect’, oh maybe ‘Cyndi’ as well, my own experiences :P).

I hope that by sharing our experiences, perspectives and insights, more people are inspired to live a happy, fulfilling and meaningful life by being open to new possibilities, understanding their core values and getting out of their comfort zone to reach their highest potential.

Thank you for stopping by my site and getting to know a bit more about me and this positive and supportive community.


If you know me personally, then you know that I’m always happy, cheerful and bubbly with a big smile on my face. I live a life that I am grateful and work hard for with joy, fun, love and freedom.

I know that life has its ups and downs, but when a steep turn occurred to me unexpectedly, I wasn’t prepared. It was a painful and dark period when I lost a friend to suicide; when I felt trapped working 9-5 trading my time for money without motivation, challenges or fulfillment; when the flying hobby that I invested so much time, money and energy in didn’t turn out to be the way I anticipated; when someone I love and care about deeply decided to walk away from me; when friends and colleagues were spending the festive season with their family and love ones but I was alone at home overseas by myself, I was lost, lonely, isolated and unhappy.

Yes, life is not always perfect and we can either scream or enjoy the ride, but I have lost my voice, my power, my strength and my identity. I wasn’t in my state of flow…I was in the void, a vast emptiness that fills my heart and lungs, I couldn’t breathe, and I was finding it difficult to break the surface.


I guess hitting the rock bottom has taught me that life is too short and fragile. And I realised that if I’m searching for that one person that will change my life, I have to take a look at myself in the ‘mirror’ because everything I need is in me.

I need to dig deep to understand who I am, what are my core values and beliefs, what I am good at and at the same time what fears, self-doubts and limiting beliefs are holding me back. I started my self-awareness and self-discovery journey by drawing my vision board, taking a personality test, doing meditations, writing a journal, creating a 365 Love Happy Jar, reading books, listening to podcasts, watching  inspirational videos on YouTube and joining the Six Figure Mentors (SFM) program.

I have learned that love is not something I find in other people, it’s from my reservoir of self-love, gratitude, forgiveness, acceptance, compassion and generosity.

I wouldn’t be here writing to you today without the inspiration, insights, lessons and everything I learned from this difficult but wonderful journey. Also, thanks to the motivation, encouragement and success stories from the SFM program, I embarked on my self-development journey with an open mind and an open heart which also leads to the creation of this ‘’ website using WordPress hosted by Bluehost


Every person in the world has a choice, a choice to live a life they really want to live or continue with the status quo and cruise through life on autopilot. So often, we let fears get in the way and choose to take an easy approach to stay in the comfort zone.

You are not alone, I also have my self-doubts, fears and these voices whispering in my head “I am not good enough, I am not confident, I don’t have a degree or experience to start something new, I don’t have time or money for that, I have never done it before, I have an accent, I don’t want to make a fool of myself……”. But I consciously told myself that I would never know unless I push myself past my comfort zone, give it a crack and see what happens. 

Be bold, be brave, so what? Maybe the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.


I believe that there is a creator in all of us. We are constantly creating who we are and the world around us, through our thoughts, words and deeds. Life can be whatever you make of it. At the end of the day, it’s your life and you are responsible for it.

Imagine a world with no limits – what would you do, see, create or become? And more importantly, who will you share it with?

And at the end of your wonderful life, what will you remember? Will it be possessions and material belongs, or people and experiences, or a legacy you leave behind?

This CExperiences community is here to help you explore the choices and possibilities you can have in order to create a life you are proud to look back on for yourself and your family.

It’s here to offer inspiration, insights, tools and resources so that you are energised by possibilities to unleash your highest potential.

It’s here to inspire you to live a life of purpose and meaning, that allows you to do what you love, to make time for what’s important, to recognise the value in people and in helping others, and to make a difference in this world for the better. 


Are you ready to step forward and open a new door to see the future in your eyes?

Are you ready to recognise yourself of who you truly are, your talents, your gifts and your abilities?

It’s never too late to start, to choose a new experience, to discover the world, to explore your consciousness and essence, and to learn, grow and evolve into the best version of yourself.

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

No matter where you are today in your journey, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

I’m truly grateful for everything we have and so much more of where we’re heading.

Feel free to contact me when needed or simply sign up to join the CExperiences community if you want to be surrounded by like-minded people and share your experiences. ^.^

Thanks for visiting

With love and behind you all the way,

Cyndi Liang

What are you waiting for?

Time to take action and start creating your new experience!


    #1 My Story, My Experience, My Life Read More »