Personal Development

#18 How to overcome Fear of Failure?

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill

Do you want to try something new, meet someone new, or get out of your comfort zone to do something differently, BUT… 

Your fear of failure keeps you from trying, creates self-doubt and then you feel frustrated, disappointed and angry with yourself afterwards…☹️

When you allow fear to stop your forward progress in life, you’re likely to miss some great opportunities along the way.

It’s important to develop better self-awareness so that you know what needs to be changed. 

8 Signs You Might Have a Fear of Failure:

Can you recognise any of the following signs? 

# 1. You worry about what other people think about you.

# 2. You worry about how smart or capable you are.

# 3. You worry that people will lose interest in you.

# 4. You worry about disappointing people whose opinion you value.

# 5. You worry about your ability to pursue the future you desire.

# 6. You tend to tell people beforehand that you don’t expect to succeed in order to lower their expectations.

# 7. You often get last-minute headaches, stomach aches, or other physical symptoms that prevent you from completing your preparation.

# 8. You often procrastinate or get distracted by tasks that prevent you from completing your preparation which, in hindsight, were not as urgent as they seemed at the time.

Once you recognise that you have these signs and/or patterns, what are you going to do about it?

Causes of Fear of Failure:

To find an effective solution to conquer your fear, we first need to understand the causes of your fear of failure.

Fear of failure is often caused by fear of shame or unworthiness. 😔

Trying and failing confirms what one already fears — that one is not good enough. You may often have these negative thoughts or Inner Critic e.g. “I’ll never be good enough to get that promotion,” or “I’m not smart enough to do that…” 

The fear of failing can be immobilizing – it can cause us to do nothing, and therefore resist moving forward.

So, what can you do instead?

What can you do to prevent fear of failure from holding you back?

How to Stop Living in FEAR?

Here are some easy and powerful tips to help you overcome Fear of Failure: 

Tip 1: Understand what is Fear and how you interpret FEAR. 

Write this down, or print out the photo below and post it on your wall.
“FEAR means False Evidence Appearing Real.”

Also, you’re the creator of your own life. It’s up to you to decide how you want to live your life. 

Option A: Forget Everything And Run…

Option B: Face Everything And Rise!

The choice is yours!

(Fear is your own imagination. Don’t create a horror story that doesn’t serve you. Pull back, look at a bigger picture and gain some perspectives.)

Tip 2: But, How about Failure? What is failure? 

“There is such thing no failure, it’s only Feedback!”

It’s feedback and information to help you find a better way to do things, review, adjust and make changes as required.

Success is NOT a straight line!

Tip 3: Focus your time, energy and resources on what’s in your control.

Things NOT in your control? Learn to ACCEPT!

Things IN your control? TAKE ACTION.

Also, this is very important, TRUST YOURSELF. You already have the power within you to achieve anything you want, learn to be resourceful!

Instead of saying “I Can’t…”, ask yourself “HOW can I…?”

Want More Tips? 

Do you want to learn more coaching techniques, practical tips, effective strategies and proven methods to help you overcome your fears, build your confidence, self-worth and skills?

Do you need support and guidance to help you conquer your fears rather than keeping living in fears?

Do you want to fast track your results, get expert experience and insight, blueprint, action plan to achieve what you want in your career/business, relationships, health and other aspects of your life? 

Cyndi can help you!

You can start coaching/counselling with Cyndi NOW. 👍

👉 Cyndi Liang is a certified Self-Worth & EQ Coach, Therapist/Counsellor and NLP Practitioner. Cyndi will give you a totally personalised solution for the best possible results, also guide & support you through your Self-worth & Growth journey! 


Read client testimonials and success stories here

Get Started or Have a Question?

Simply Book a FREE 30-min call with Cyndi to see how she can help you. 💛

“No matter what you want to achieve, it’s a well-known fact that you’ll always get there faster with support.”

Book a call with Cyndi here NOW!

#18 How to overcome Fear of Failure? Read More »

#17 One Powerful Technique to deal with Frustration / Resentment / Anger

“A moment of patience in a moment of anger saves you a hundred moments of regret.”

You might be experiencing some changes in your life right now… 

It might be a change in your relationship, a change in your friendship, a change in your career, a change in your financial situation, a change in your health, a change in your energy level, a change in your family, a change in your emotions, a change in border restrictions or social isolation that has disrupted everything you have planned for your life, work or traveling…

Whatever that is, you are not used to it, it feels different, you feel uncomfortable but don’t know what to do about it or may find other ways to avoid or suppress the feeling (e.g. drinking, emotional eating, smoking, shopping, addiction etc), you feel that you ‘should’ do something about it but feeling stuck, unmotivated and don’t know how to move on; you feel that other people ‘should’ understand you better and just simply follow what you expected them to do; you feel disappointed, frustrated or even feeling resentful about it.

Basically, the reality turned out painfully different from how you want it! Everything is messed up!

(Or you might say “EVERYTHING IS F@*ked UP!!!”)

I know… it was a painful experience and you want to get out of this trap desperately.

In the heat of the moment, keeping your temper or negative emotions in check can be challenging. you got frustrated with yourself and with others around you and it can take a toll on both your health and your relationships.

But paradoxically, the only way out is THROUGH.


Cyndi, what do you mean?

The GOOD NEWS is that I have lots of practical tools, proven methods and effective techniques that I would love to share with you to help you deal with frustration, resentment, anger or any negative emotion in your life. I have seen the results in myself and in my clients and I genuinely want to help you as well!

You can simply get started with just 1 powerful technique!

Just one technique? Seriously?

YES! 1 POWERFUL TECHNIQUE you can learn and apply NOW is called “Find your P.A.T.H.” so you can RESPOND to the situation wisely instead of REACT to it unconsciously. 

In the heat of the moment or when dealing with changes in life,

Find your P.A.T.H. (Pause, Accept, Think, Help)

“Come from a space of peace and you’ll find that you can deal with anything.” – Michael Singer
Just pause for a moment, take a few deep breaths in and focus on your breathing as you breathe in and out.
I know that you don’t want to say something you’ll later regret, so just take a few moments to collect your thoughts before saying anything — and allow others involved in the situation to do the same. 

CExperiences Practical Exercise: Daily Meditation
Listen to my Guided Meditation “Body Scan Mindfulness Mediation” or “Loving Kindness Meditation” to practice finding your inner peace. 

“Change is never painful, only the resistance to change is painful.” – Buddha
Accept that change is normal and inevitable in life, but it’s only temporary. The feeling you’re experiencing now will pass. It’s a normal body reaction. There are no good emotions or bad emotions, they are there for a reason. 
But life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. So instead of dwelling on the things that you can not change, ask yourself this 1 important question “Is this in my control or out of my control?”
If it’s in your control, what can you do about it?
If it’s out of your control, learn to accept it. Just flow with it, be patient, and be grateful for what you have. Better days are on the way.

CExperiences Practical Exercise: Daily Gratitude

  • Every morning after you wake up, think of 3 things you’re grateful for in your life or at work.
  • When facing changes/challenges during the day, think of 3 things you’re grateful for at that moment. When you’re grateful for what you have, you have everything you need. 
  • Before going to bed at night, think of 3 things you’re grateful for for the day. You can say them aloud to yourself, express with gratitude with your loved ones or write them down on your journal.

More Gratitude Practice Exercises –  Access here.  

“There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” – William Shakespear
•    What’s happening?
•    What am I reacting to?
•    What am I thinking and feeling?
•    What are the words that my mind is saying?
•    Is this a fact or opinion?
•    What’s the bigger picture?
•    Is there another way of looking at it?
•    What would someone else see and make of it?

CExperiences Practical Exercise: Daily Self-Worth Exercise

Take 1 daily Self-Worth Building Exercise to learn how to look at things or situation from a fresh and different perspective, how to have growth and adaptive mindset, learn more tips, techniques and strategies from Cyndi so you can keep building those self-worth synapses in your brain to increase your self-worth and critical thinking skills. 
More Self-Worth Exercises –  Access here

“We know you’re strong, but it’s okay to ask for help. Accepting help is its own kind of strength.”
•    What is best thing to do right now?
•    Best for me, for others, for the situation?
•    What resources can I draw on and what else do I need?
•    Who can I reach out to and ask for help? 

CExperiences Practical Exercise: Write down your HELP list and CONTACT List

If You Are Having Trouble Thinking Of Ways To Help Yourself, Try One (Or A Few) From This List:

Address Your Basic Needs
•    Drink a glass of water.
•    Take a nap.
•    Take a shower or bath.
•    Eat a healthy snack.
•    Have enough sleep.

Process Feelings
•    Journaling.
•    Draw/Paint how you’re feeling.
•    Make a gratitude list.
•    Punch a pillow.
•    Let yourself cry.

Mood Boosters
•    Read the story of someone you admire
•    Watch a funny YouTube video
•    Get active – go out for a walk, run, dance or just move your body the way you like it!
•    Play with an animal
•    Watch a movie you loved when you were younger
•    Reorganize your room
•    Make a list of places you want to travel

Problem Solving
•    Make a list of solutions to problems – it can help to brainstorm with a friend of family member.
•    Make a list of your strengths. 

Volunteering/Acts of Kindness
•    Do something nice for someone you know.
•    Help a stranger.
•    Volunteer your time.

Ask for Help 
•    Text a friend.
•    Ask someone to just sit with you.
•    Call a family member or a friend.
•    Talk to someone you trust.
•    Join like-minded groups and connect with positive supportive people (You can Follow our ‘CExperiences’ Facebook pageInstagramMeetup and join our FB private group ‘CExperiences Tribe’ )
•    Seek Professional Help. Ask Cyndi and see how she can help you.

Next time, when you’re feeling frustrated, angry, resentful or experiencing any negative emotions, how do you RESPOND to it?

Find your P.A.T.H.!

If you like this “Find your P.A.T.H. (Pause, Accept, Think, Help)” Technique and want to find out more, take the CExperiences Self-Worth Accelerator Online Course to learn anywhere, anytime NOW! 

Have questions? 

Book a chat or Email me to see how I can help you.

Cyndi Liang is the certified Results Coach and qualified NLP Practioner, she offers 1-1 coaching, group coaching, workshops, online courses and also lots of practical tools, effective techniques and strategies to help you create FAST and LASTING RESULTS.

“No matter what you want to achieve, it’s a well-known fact that you’ll always get there faster with support.”

Reach out anytime, anywhere. We’re here for you!

Book a call with Cyndi NOW

#17 One Powerful Technique to deal with Frustration / Resentment / Anger Read More »

#13 How to Move Up the Emotional Scale

What are Emotions?

I once heard that “Emotions” are “E-Motions = Energy in Motion”. I think this is beautifully put.

In itself, emotional energy is neutral. It is the feeling sensation and physiological reaction that makes a specific emotion positive or negative. Feeling is what you label as anger, sadness, joy or fear. It is then your interpretations or thoughts about emotional energy that give it meaning. Emotion serves as the carrier waves for the entire spectrum of feelings.

Understanding that emotions are energy implies that they are fluid, moving resources meant to be felt and released vs. suppressed and ignored. The latter is the true culprit of low emotional intelligence and stress burnout.

Before we look at the different tips and techniques for moving up this emotional scale, there are several things that you need to understand about feelings and emotions:

  • Emotions and feelings are influenced by our thoughts and perceptions.
  • We tend to suppress our feelings, and suppressed feelings lead to anxiety and depression.
  • Feelings are contagious.
  • We are all entitled to have feelings. Feelings simply exist. We are all human, and we all sometimes feel jealousy, hatred, frustration, irritation and other negative emotions. There is no need to blame yourself for these feeling because this way you will only create even more negative emotions. Just accept that you feel what you feel and get ready to turn the negative energy into positive energy.
  • Bad feelings lead to even worse feelings. But good feelings create better feelings. This is the concept of upward and downward spirals. We will talk about this as you read more below.

Why Emotions and Vibration Matter?

From a law of attraction standpoint, your emotions are like a compass that point you straight towards the fulfillment of your deepest desires.

Your vibration matters because the law of attraction is ALWAYS attracting things to you that match your vibration.

Simply stated, if you feel good you’re in an awesome high vibrational place, allowing all the goodies of life to come your way. If you feel bad, then you’re obviously in a lower vibrational state, resisting the goodies.

I believe that understanding your thoughts and emotions is step one to becoming the creator of your own reality and taking your life back.

This does not mean that you have to be happy all the time or that feeling negative emotions is somehow wrong or bad. Ups and downs are a natural flow of life. And we can’t even have good feeling emotions without the contrast of the “bad” ones. But wouldn’t you prefer to be up more than down? I think yes.

How to Identify Emotions?

The Emotional Guidance Scale created by Abraham Hicks is a super valuable tool that demonstrates how, through baby steps, you can move up the emotional scale one emotion at a time. It has all the common emotions listed from high vibration to low vibration (top to bottom).

The scale looks something like this…

Emotional Scale

The idea is that you can use this knowledge to your advantage and always reach for a slightly better feeling emotion, no matter where you are on the scale at any time! 

One-by-one, you can climb your way up the emotional ladder in small, manageable steps.

“Just like when you set your radio tuner on 98.6, you can’t hear what’s being broadcast on 101 FM: Your frequencies have to sync up. So, the frequency of your desire and the frequency of your day-to-day thought about your desire have to be on the same vibrational wavelength. And how do you know when it is? It feels good to think about it.”

— Abraham Hicks

How to Decode Emotions?


1. Ask yourself “When was the last time I feel emotional?”

In that situation, what happened? When? With who? How? 

2. Check your thoughts: 

  • What did I think or imagaine at that time?
  • What went through my mind?
  • What did that say or mean about me or the situation?

3. Check your Movie Mind:

  • Is there any movie (past experience or future projection) running in my head?
  • What’s the emotional trigger (Immediate default reaction)?
  • What is it about that trigger? (e.g. childhood experience)

4. Check your Emotions / Feelings

  • What emotion did I feel at the time?
  • How intense was that feeling? (0-10)

5. Check your Physical / Body sensations

  • What did I notice in my body?
  • What did I feel?
  • Where did I feel it?
Body sensation

How to Manage Emotions?

How to Move Up the Emotional Guidance Scale?

Emotional Scale 2

Here are 3 simple but powerful techniques for moving up the emotional scale.

1. Priming the Scale

The morning is a magical time; you have a blank slate to work with as you first emerge from the unconscious world of sleep. Therefore, what you think and feel during these early moments can have a huge impact on where you lie on the emotional scale throughout the day.

Find something to be grateful for as soon as you wake up. Focus on it for 1-2 minutes before getting out of bed. Connect those feelings of gratitude toward your intention to manifest what you want, and let excitement and enthusiasm flood your body.

On a side note, the morning is also an excellent time to engage in spiritual activities like meditation, creative visualisation, or yoga. If you can set aside 10-20 minutes for one of those activities, you’re starting the day as far up the emotional scale as possible.

2. Balancing the Scale

You can’t avoid encountering at least a small amount of negativity in the world each day; whether it comes from someone with a bad attitude or from a devastating story in the news. And, as you know, you do attract what you emit and you’re emitting at least a degree of negativity when you encounter these things.

Using the Law of Attraction doesn’t require you to deliberately blind yourself to all negativity to the point that you’re entrenched in denial. While it is, of course, important to create a positive environment internally and externally, it’s useful to acknowledge the existence of negativity so that you can deliberately and purposefully balance the scale of what you are manifesting.

Since positive feelings, beliefs, and thoughts hold so much more power than negative ones, even simple exercises can serve as scale-balancing. For example, try taking just 10-15 minutes per day to intentionally reflect on things that are only positive. You can do this any way that feels right; whether you visualise wonderful memories, focus on upcoming events, or write down lists of things that make you happy.

Regardless of your approach, you should quickly start to see the scale turning; more positive things and events will likely come your way.

3. Maintaining Your Place on the Scale

There are also little things you can do throughout the day to reduce your chances of sliding back down the emotional scale. In particular, it’s crucial to take breaks from the demands of work, family, and society in order to quiet your mind and reconnect with the present moment.

As you’ll know from reading common Law of Attraction success stories, mindfully anchoring yourself to the present reliably accelerates the manifestation process.

Try taking simple breaks of 1-2 minutes every couple of hours. Commit to focusing purely on your breathing during these interludes. Breathe deeply, inhaling from your diaphragm and filling up your lungs. Then slowly and gently exhale as you feel your body relax.

If you’re already used to practicing mindfulness exercises, you might prefer to spend 1-2 minutes on your breath and then a further 1-2 minutes connecting with all of your bodily sensations and systematically relaxing any tense muscles you encounter.

Regardless of its deceptive simplicity, this type of exercise helps you disconnect from external stressors and builds the type of resilience that keeps you at a reliably productive place on the emotional scale.

Want More?

Cyndi Liang is the Founder, Certified Self-Worth & EQ Coach, Counsellor, EQ Assessor, NLP Practitioner at CExperiences.

Cyndi’s Specialised Areas:

🌟 Self-Worth Confidence Coaching 
🌟 Emotions Counselling & Coaching
🌟 Communication/Social Skills Coaching
🌟 Relationship Counselling & Coaching
🌟 Depression/Anxiety Counselling & Coaching
🌟 Abuse Counselling & Coaching
🌟 Conflict Resolution/Anger Management Coaching
🌟 Addictions Counselling & Coaching
🌟 Loss and Grief Counselling & Coaching
🌟 Self-Esteem Counselling & Coaching
🌟 Mental Health Counselling & Coaching 
🌟 Life Transitions Counseling & Coaching

Book a FREE 20-min Call with Cyndi now to find out how she can help you!

More Resources

31 Days Self Worth Workbook

In my 31 Days Self-Worth Workbook, I share my methods and self-worth building practical exercises to help you move up you emotional scale and unlock your self-worth step-by-step, day-by-day!

This life changing workbook is a journey of remembering where your true power lies. You’ll learn how to co-create the life you want. You’ll accept that life can flow, that attracting is fun, and that you don’t have to work so hard to get what you want.

It includes:

👉 31 x Practical Exercises – 67 pages and 5 Weeks of self-worth building exercises, self-reflection and empowering learnings for loving yourself year-round.

👉 Proven methods — Grow with daily exercises based in positive psychology, mindfulness, and other effective methodologies.

👉 Personal space — Worksheets with the simple layout and blank lines, so you can write directly on the pages; and inspiring quotes add a little boost of courage.

👉 Chart a course — Follow the Workbook from beginning to end, or pick your favorite Self-Worth Building Exercise to practice on a daily basis.

Grab your FREE Copy (Week 1 with 7 practical exercises) Now! – Limited Time only

#13 How to Move Up the Emotional Scale Read More »

What is NLP

#11 How to Use NLP to Change Your Life?

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you had a deep understanding of how and why people do what they do – how they think, feel, communicate and behave?

How would this affect your ability to lead people, parent your children, connect with your partner, communicate with friends, family or colleagues or succeed in your business?

After learning about Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and applying its powerful set of tools, techniques and ways of thinking, I have learned how to:

  • Get a greater awareness of myself and others and gain a better understanding of how I have created my own internal reality;
  • Communicate more effectively with everyone I meet with confidence, clarity and a deeper connection in every context of my life and business;
  • Pick up on subtle cues in people’s language and behaviour, build rapport, ask precise questions get to the heart of understanding and meaning;
  • Access emotional resources of my choosing, amplifying them and permanently anchor them;
  • Decode the strategy and inner-game behind all behaviour so that I can replicate excellence and change unhealthy habits;
  • Become a credible, reputable and professional Life and Business Coach and empower my clients to make rapid and lasting change with my skills, experiences, aptitude, perspective, emotional intelligence and a proven methodology and framework.

So, Are you ready to Learn More about NLP and Use it to Change Your Life?


Well, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a set of tools, techniques and ways of thinking of how we communicate, both with ourselves and others.

NLP is first and foremost a communication model.

It is a model of how we operate, and function given our mind-body-emotion system.

It is a model of how we map or model “information.”

It is a model of the structure of resourcefulness so we “run our own brain” and manage our own states.

It is a model of the structure of excellence, so we can replicate genius.

NLP is really the emergence of a new leading-edge model about:

  • How to manage and run your own brain and mind more effectively.
  • How you represent your own experiences in a way that make them seem real.
  • How to map the world so that you can align your objective experience in the world with your subjective experience.
  • How to manage your moods and state experiences so you have them and they do not have you.
  • How to develop effective models and strategies for your life’s desires.

Most people learn NLP, because they aren’t satisfied with the results of their habitual ways of processing – mindset, emotions, and behaviours. They want to achieve more, do more, have the skills to connect more deeply with others, be more confident, motivated and self-assured. Be more influential with others and have more impact in the world.

So, if that is something of interest for you too, keep on reading 🙂


NLP Comms Model

NLP maps the structures of the ego and shows us how it is created and maintained. From there it examines how we get ourselves in the way of doing what we already know how to do. In my experience, most people know what they need to do to progress, they just aren’t doing it. The reason they aren’t doing it is because they are letting their ego get in the way.

At the heart of NLP is the NLP communication model. This model is what we call a near-concept model. It models and teaches us so precisely how we function and re-present the world and those in it, to ourselves.

This model maps out and distinguishes the real world from our (subjective or mapped out) interior world.  It shows us how we are running representations (movies) about reality and that we are not experiencing the actual reality itself. A big statement!

A bigger one is in our own experience we are working with and dealing with only our fantasy or imagination of the world.

The basic premise of NLP, as a model of human functioning, is – that people work perfectly well, that they have all the resources that they need, and that any problem they have isn’t them, but with their programming, habits or frames of mind.


An example of one of the most famous and significant, coined from Alfred Korzybski- (science and sanity 1933) is:

“The map is not the territory, it is but a symbolic representation of the territory.”

All perceptions are based on a facsimile representation. It is not reality. All perceptions can be said to be accurate in as much as they are based on the internal representations from which they are derived. They are also all incomplete and may or may not accord with the represented territory (reality).

Very often, we deal with a map of reality, not reality itself – however the map is not the territory. And so we abstract reality by thinking and feeling something ABOUT reality, and we can do this upon thought and feeling forever. The more we do it, the further we get from reality. The further we get from reality, the larger the gap, the greater the emotion we can experience.


NLP works from the philosophy that your thoughts and beliefs affect your quality of life. If you challenge your thoughts and beliefs, you change your outcomes.

NLP teaches you up to date techniques on how to change your own mindset as well as be able to use these techniques on others.

  • Meta Model Questioning
  • Quadrants
  • State Anchoring
  • Meta States
  • Framing
  • Timeline
  • Strategies and Modelling
  • Well Formed Outcome

All top level coaches use NLP to create the most profound and speedy transformations within themselves and their clients.

Example: How to use NLP to Transform Beliefs

We were not born with the beliefs we now have. Wherever we got them, they came to us as mental understandings of the world. If we bought into them as a child, then we adopted them by osmosis. That means they are really someone else’s map for interpreting and appraising life. If we now find those beliefs limiting and unsatisfactory for our life, then we can alter them.

“The process of changing a belief is relatively easy, as long as you have the person’s consent.” (Bandler and Grinder)

1) First, identify a limiting belief you want to change

If you think about a belief as an understanding that has undesirable consequences to you, then write down some key beliefs. Be sure to include some that you would like to change. What limiting beliefs are you still entertaining in your head that you wish you didn’t?

Finish these sentence stems:

  • “What I believe about myself is … ”
  • “What I believe about people is … ”
  • “What I believe about the world or life is … “”
  • “What belief/s do you have about yourself that you’d like to change”
  • “What belief limits you in some way”

2) Target your limiting beliefs

Note: The beliefs that you now evaluate as junky beliefs which interrupt your best functioning, and which sabotage your development.

For examples:

  • “I can’t learn quickly.”
  • “I can’t control myself.”
  • “I can’t lose weight.”
  • “I can’t relax.”
  • “I can’t be assertive.”
  • “People can’t be trusted, etc.”

3) Note internal representation

How do you represent one of your limiting beliefs in your mind?

Notice that as you think about that belief, what pictures, words, sounds, and sensations strike you?

Identify the most powerful and driving sub-modalities of that belief.

Once you have an awareness of the internal representation of the limiting belief, set it aside for a moment.

4) Identify a solid belief

What do you believe without a doubt? What is one of your solid beliefs?

Do you believe the sun will rise tomorrow?

How do you represent this a solid belief in your mind? What are the key sub-modalities present in your representation?

5) Get a representation on doubt

What are you doubtful about? Think of something you doubt.

Think of something that may be true or may not be. What are you not really sure about? How do you represent this doubt in your mind? What are the key sub-modalities present in your representation?

Doubt is when you waver from thinking something might be true to thinking it might not be true; you just don’t know.

How do you know you doubt something?

6) Make a contrastive difference

How are these phenomena (belief and doubt) different?

Run a contrastive analysis between them. Find the sub-modality differences.

For example: maybe the belief is a big picture, bright, and vivid while doubt is small, dim, and fuzzy. Or the belief may be a detailed picture, straight ahead and fills up the frame while the doubt is general, off to the right and small.

What sub-modalities tell your brain that one is a solid belief and the other is a questionable doubt?

7) Test the sub-modalities

Test the differences, one at a time, to find out which is most powerful in changing beliefs to doubt for you. Make it smaller. Remove the frame from belief picture, make it fuzzy, dimmer. Move from centre of screen to right etc.

8) Elicit a new enhancing belief you want to replace the limiting belief

What would you rather believe?

“I can learn to effectively handle criticism.”

“I believe I can learn to change my eating habits and maintain a desired body weight.”

9) Check for ecology

Suppose you had this new belief, how you would act differently?

As you anticipate it, are there any ways in which this change could be a problem for you? How will this new belief affect your work? Relationships? Skills?

10) Switch content

Switch the old Belief into Doubt. If in doubt you flip your picture off and on, and then let the limiting belief flip in and out. As you recode the belief as doubt, turn down the old content completely when the belief flips out.

At that point, switch to the content of the new belief, and turn it up.

Or, you can have the picture become so bright (or so dim) that the old content disappears. At that point put the new content in and tune the picture back in.

11) Turn the doubt into belief

Take the new belief and reverse the sub-modality changes so that you encoded what you want to believe as a strong belief.

Once you do that, amplify the new belief. Then take a moment to absorb and enjoy this new belief.

12) Test

Break state for a moment.

Think about this new belief. Do you now believe it? Think about the old belief? What happens?

Where does your brain go?


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Ready to improve your relationships?

Ready to improve your life?

Ready to know more about NLP?

Ready to change your life for the better, build deeper relationships, overcome your fears and find the clarity you’re looking for to realise your potential?

Simply Sign Up to the CExperiences Life Coaching Program to Get Started!

CExperiences Life Coaching Program

Part 1: NLP (Choose how you’d like to run your own brain!)

An introduction to the NLP Communication Model as a blueprint for the human system, an exploration into identifying meta programs as habituated thinking patterns to discover leverage points of change.

Part 2: High Quality and Effective Communication (Improve the quality of your relationships!)

Learn how to develop interpersonal skills as the keys of high quality communication. You’ll learn the art and skill of being fully present to another human being by learning how to truly listen, build and maintain rapport, and how to ask powerful questions that get to the heart of things.

Part 3: States and Meta States (Master your emotions and be present in every moment.)

Learn how to work with the reflexivity of the mind, reorient your thinking and feeling, change your relationship to reality. This will enable you to transform your beliefs, enhance your state and expand your perspectives for a vastly different experience of reality and quality of life.

Part 4: Trance and Timelines (Unleash your potential and step into new and exciting possibilities!)

Get an introduction in how you can use hypnotic language, focusing on creating higherlevel inductions for facilitating resourcefulness, let go of baggage in the past and set unfailable goals for the future.

Part 5: Strategies and Modelling (Be Influential in your life and embody excellence!)

Track the flow of human mind-body responses that create a behavior with Strategies & Modelling. Learn how to identify, unpack, and replicate strategies of excellence and learn conversational reframing patterns to increase your persuasiveness and influence.


Some of the benefits that can expect from program include:

  • Learn to run your own brain – and help others run theirs
  • Manage your own moods, attitudes and states (eg. when public speaking, asking for a pay rise or having difficult conversations)
  • Effectively manage conflict – create healthier interactions
  • Skillfully manage outcomes and agreements (getting the outcomes you want)
  • Achieve high levels of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • Create effective rapport with significant others – deepen and accelerate relationships
  • Develop growth in terms of your worldview (capacity to hold more perspectives)
  • Effectively engage and collaborate with significant people in your personal and professional life
  • Lead and influence performance through the creation and sharing of powerful meanings
  • Learn to facilitate outcomes through asking powerful questions that get directly to the heart of the matter

Schedule a Discovery Call with Cyndi

Let’s have a chat and see how I can help you.

My coaching vision is to guide, support, challenge and empower you to grow by analysing your current situation, identifying limiting beliefs and other potential challenges and obstacles you face, offering you a fresh and different perspective, and devising a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes in your life.

I’m here for you if you need me.

    Anchors of my life

    #11 How to Use NLP to Change Your Life? Read More »

    #10 How to Improve Self-esteem and Build Confidence

    First of all, I want you to know that “You are worthy of so much love, including your own, and you have so much love you’re willing to give!.”

    And remember, you can’t give what you don’t have.

    It’s no one’s responsibility but your own, to fill up your love tank.

    Let go of any attachment that it’s up to someone else to love you. It’s so much more fulfilling when you learn how to do this for yourself.

    Then, once your tank is full, anything that overflows is the extra you give away!

    Give yourself permission to tell yourself that “I am good enough, I’m loved and I’m worthy.”

    Signs of Low Self-Esteem

    ❌ Negative outlook
    ❌ Lack of confidence
    ❌ Inability to express your needs
    ❌ Focus on your weaknesses
    ❌ Excessive feelings of shame, depression, or anxiety
    ❌ Belief that others are better than you
    ❌ Trouble accepting positive feedback
    ❌ Intense fear of failure

    CExperiences Tips

    Give yourself persmission to accept and love yourself.
    “I AM ENOUGH.”
    “I AM UNIQUE.”
    “I AM STRONG.”
    “I AM KIND.”

    ✅ 1. Be nice to yourself. 
    (“I truly and completely love and accept myself.”)

    ✅ 2. You do you 
    (“I don’t need to compare myself to other people. This is me/ That is you. What comes from me is mine. What comes from others is theirs/not mine. I am not responsible for their thoughts, feelings, actions. I am not what they say about me. I am who I am.”)

    ✅ 3. Get moving
    (“I enjoy moving my body the way I like it. I enjoy exercises/dancing/running/walking. I can feel the endorphins, the feel-good hormones. I am feeling great!”)

    ✅ 4. Nobody’s perfect 
    (“I am not broken. I am perfectly imperfect. I am enough.”)

    ✅ 5. There is no ‘failure’, only feedback of information 
    (“I am becoming the better version of myself, but with patience, with compassion and respect to my own journey.”)

    ✅ 6. Focus on what you can change
    (“Today I choose to do______. I believe that I can do______. I will do______.”)

    ✅ 7. Do what makes you happy 
    (“I enjoy doing_____. I love doing_____. I am amazing and awe-inspiring in these ways______”)

    ✅ 8. Celebrate the small stuff 
    (“Tick! Woah, I did it! Well done! I am awesome!”)

    ✅ 9. Be considerate and helpful to others 
    (“I understand you. I hear you. I am here for you.” When you’re helping others, you’re helping yourself.)

    ✅ 10. Surround yourself with a supportive community 
    (“Life is full of abundance and positive energy when I’m growing and evolving with so many beautiful, supportive, caring and lovely people in the CExperiences community.”)

    Be Confident, Be Courageous, Be Curious!!!

    What is CExperiences Self-Love Confidence Coaching?

    What I offer

    • One-to-One Coaching with Cyndi (In Person at Sydney or Online)
    • Group Coaching Workshops

    My coaching vision is to guide, challenge, support and empower you to grow by

    • Analysing your current situation,
    • Identifying limiting beliefs and other potential challenges and obstacles you face,
    • Offering you a fresh and different perspective, expertise, tools and techniques;
    • Devising a custom plan of action designed to help you improve self-esteem and gain more confidence.

    I completely tailor our coaching topics based on where you’re at in your life and what areas you need the most help with.

    This gives you a totally personalised solution for the best possible results.

    The CExperiences Self-Love Confidence Coaching Program is designed to create rapid and lasting change in your your relationships, emotions, business/career, wealth, health and life.

    Click at the ‘Learn More’ button below to find out more about the following: 

    👉 How to Get Started

    👉 My Style Of Coaching

    👉 Tools and Techniques

    👉 What You Will Achieve

    👉 Why I Can Help You

    👉 Will it Work For Me?

    10 Major Signs You Need a Life Coach NOW:

    #1 — Feeling shameful, guilt, unworthy

    #2 — Lack of Confidence 

    #3 — Loneliness and isolation

    #4 — Feeling sad and depressed

    #5 — Feeling Needy and always want to have a company

    #6 — Anxiety And Stress Are Recurring Themes

    #7 — Lack of courage to live a life true to yourself

    #8 — Limiting Beliefs Have Been Holding You Back (e.g. Self doubt, Low Self-esteem, Low Self-worth)

    #9 — Anxiety And Stress Are Recurring Themes

    #10 — Want to be more confidence but don’t know how

    If any of the above sounds like you, it may be time to look into hiring a life coach.

    #10 How to Improve Self-esteem and Build Confidence Read More »

    Why Everyone Needs a Life Coach

    #9 Why Everyone Needs a Life Coach?

    Do you know that coaching is the second-fastest growing industry in the world, only second to the IT industry?

    You may have seen friends or family hire a life coach, and wondered ‘What is a Life Coach?” or “Can a life coach really change someone’s life?”

    If you’re skeptical about the title of my blog post and you’re thinking, “I don’t need a life coach,” or “Why hire a life coach which will cost me both money and time?” I don’t blame you, I used to ask myself similar questions  as well…

    • “Someone to help me on my life journey?”
    • “Do I really need fixing?”
    • “What does this life coach know that I don’t?”

    and then one day I took a leap of faith and signed up for a coaching program, my life has never been the same again. It has been the best decision and best investment I have ever made for my personal growth and business/entrepreneurship development.

    I have gained so much confidence, clarity and productivity and now on a path to be the better version of myself and grow my CExperiences Life Coaching Business.

    Below I will explain how it has changed my life and why I think everyone should have a life coach. If what I shared here resonated with you, let’s connect, have a chat and start your life transformation journey. If you are on the fence or need more time to think about it, no problem at all. At least you’re stopping by my website, reading this blog post, being open about it and considering life coaching as a possibility.

    #9 Why Everyone Needs a Life Coach? Read More »

    #7 CExperiences Coaching Program

    HELLO! For the first time since our startup, CExperiences is offering a ‘3 Month Coaching Program’.

    The Coaching program is about guiding, challenging, supporting and empowering you to pinpoint your purpose in life, understand your core values, overcome your fears/limiting beliefs, bring out the best version of yourself to live a loving, fulfilling, meaningful and balanced life.

    By joining this program, you will receive six (6) one-to-one coaching sessions with Cyndi over a 3 month period.

    1. CExperiences Approach

    In each CExperiences Coaching Session, there are 3 key components:

    1. CHOOSE: New seeing (insights, awareness, options, goals) – these can be ah-ha moments and realisation of blind spots and shadows and;
    2. CREATE: New doings (actions, behaviours, practices, experiences) – build the new muscles and habits needed for your developmental coaching objectives.
    3. CONNECT: New network (meet up, social events, community) – surround yourself with like-minded individuals in the community.

    2. Why Do I Need a Life Coach?

    Anchors of my life

     Create Fast & Lasting Change in your mindset, wealth, career, business, relationships, health, fitness or life;

     Release Blockages stopping you from living your full potential like limiting beliefs, self doubt, self sabotage or emotional baggage;

     Find Purpose & Direction especially if you’re at a crossroads in life or just know you were born for something greater;

     Identify your goals and develop an actionable plan to achieve them;

     Get Energized & Motivated by kicking your life into gear with an authentic, inspirational & supportive community and network.

    3. Coaching Process

    4. CExperiences Options

    Examples of CExperiences that you can choose:


    • Take a Personality Test, 
    • Pinpoint your Life Purpose, 
    • Draw a Vision Board, 
    • Emotional Breakthrough,
    • Create your ‘self-love tank’,
    • Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), 
    • Goal Setting,
    • Transform Mindset and Build New Habits,
    • Recommended Self-help Books.


    • Learn how to start your own online business,
    • Easy-to-follow Business Blueprint and strategies, 
    • Learn how to create your own website/blog step-by-step, 
    • Copywriting, Content creation and Marketing, 
    • Courses, Workshops & Webinars, 
    • Finance/Money Mindset, etc


    • Communication skills,
    • Build confidence and self-esteem,
    • Dating tips,
    • Build a conscious loving relationship, etc.


    • Holiday Planning
    • Solo/Group Traveling, 
    • Weekend Getaways, 
    • Hiking, bushwalking, coastal walks or outdoor activities,
    • Adventurous sports (e.g. Trial Flight Experience, Skydiving, etc)


    • Cooking Classes (e.g. learn how to make dumplings, Chinese cuisine, western cuisine, etc), 
    • Food & Wine Tasting,
    • Tea Tasting, etc.


    • Acrylic/oil Painting, 
    • Chinese Language & Culture & Art, 
    • Learn Guzheng Chinese music instrument, etc.


    • Guided Meditation, 
    • Mind Body retreat, 
    • Fitness & Health, 
    • Self-love and self-care, 
    • Community and Support Group, etc

    5. Fee Structure

    Coaching Overview & Fee Structure

      Start investing in yourself & live your life to the fullest!

      Behind you all the way 🙂


      6. Reserve your FREE Coaching Session *


      * Available for a limited time – don’t miss out

        JOIN the Coaching Program
        and START your CExperiences Journey

        If you are interested in any of the above, feel free to contact me.



        Facebook/Instagram: @CExperiences

        Joy GPS

        #7 CExperiences Coaching Program Read More »

        CExperiences Painting 'Formless Life'

        #5 How to Find a solid ‘Anchor’ for Your Life?

        Do you have an anchor? I have found that a solid anchor is indispensable to one who intends to live life full. 

        Life has its highs and its lows, most of us get caught up in the drama of it all.

        To have an anchor is to be centered and well grounded.

        Without one, you become like a piece of driftwood floating with the tides.

        Your anchor belongs to you. It comes from within. It comes out of your daily experiences of life. You learn and grow wise with the experiences of life. No matter what’s happening in the outside world, you know what you are supposed to do at the moment when you follow your anchor.

        Genuine success in life is an inside job, you know.

        With the anchor, you choose your actions and the result follows. You choose your cause and the effect follows.

        Anchor in my life

        When you develop your life around your anchor, your life belongs to you.

        It’s only when we improve, that our lives improve. Everything you do in your outer world is an absolute consequence of what’s happening within you.

        An anchor allows you to:

        • understand the unfoldment of life through various perceptions;
        • have a clarity in the midst of all the chaos and confusion of life;
        • keep you with your goals and keep you on the path towards your goals.
        • face the unforeseen situations and overcome setbacks in life;
        • focus your energy on things that are important to you and keep you in a right direction.

        So, are you ready to find your anchors, build on them and fortify them?

        Follow these CExperiences steps to begin your self-discovery and personal life transformation journey.

        1. Commitment

        If you are reading my post right now and saying ‘YES’ to this self-discovery experience, that’s a great start to show your commitment.

        But to scale 1 to 10, what’s your willingness to change?

        • Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone, remove your limiting beliefs and overcome your fears?
        • Are you ready to show up when you don’t want to?
        • Are you ready to stop finding excuses to blame, shame and justify yourself?
        • Do you have a burning desire to become the best version of yourself and to live your life to the fullest?

        2. Reflection and Visualisation

        (1) What do you want for your life?

        Start visualise your ideal day, what does it look like? Where would you be? What would you be doing? Who would be there with you? How would you feel?

        (2) What sort of life will allow you to feel at peace at the end of your lifetime?

        And imagine today is the last day of your wonderful life; ask yourself these 3 final questions:

        • Did I live wisely?
        • Did I love well?
        • Did I serve wholeheartedly?

        When the ‘Why’ is big enough, the ‘How’ will show up.

        Ask yourself 3 Questions (1)
        Ask yourself 3 Questions (2)

        3. Refine Your Values

        Refine the vision for your life by organising it into these 4 ‘Anchors’.

        • Mindset
        • Heartset
        • Healthset
        • Soulset

        Explore what each anchor may be comprised of. Pick two that mean the most to you. For example, the colorful bubbles in the outer circle are the ones that I identified in my life.

        Then I brainstormed all possible ways to take action toward fortifying each anchor, even those that did not seem feasible.

        Anchors of my life

        4. Plan and Action

        Start with one anchor.

        Brainstorm all possible ways in which your vision could be realized.

        Start listing steps you may need to take to strengthen that area with a 1-year, 3-year and 5-year plan.

        Stay open minded and include all possibilities that occur to you.

        Use the ‘IM SMART’ technique to assist with your planning:

        • Inspiring
        • Motivating
        • Specific
        • Measurable
        • Attainable
        • Risky
        • Tangible

        Repeat with each anchor.

        5. Focus and Apply

        Every day, focus on what you really want, set goals and take consistent action toward your ultimate vision for each Anchor.

        As part of your morning ritual:

        • Meditate and bring your attention to your original outlines, clarify what you really want.
        • Set 1-3 goals for the day and think about what would make today great?
        • Make a list of things you could do to achieve each goal.

        During the day:

        • Notice distractions that tempt you to procrastinate.
        • Bring your attention back to your original outlines, and focus on what you want.

        At night:

        • Write a journal to reflect on the day and re-evaluate the anchors you defined. What did I do well? How can I improve? Are they accurately reflecting your true values?
        • Share your stories and experiences with people who are important in your life.
        • Pay attention to the influences in your life, past and present, and how they may have shaped what you thought you wanted.

        Last but not least, always be grateful.

        Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Curious, so what!

        With strong anchors, you will be able to weather any storm!


        Behind you all the way =)

        #5 How to Find a solid ‘Anchor’ for Your Life? Read More »

        Create a Website/Blog

        #4 [FREE Instructions] How to Create a Website/Blog (Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide)

        Trust me, creating your own website or blog these days is very simple and straightforward.

        All you need is WordPress and a Hosting Account (e.g. BlueHost)!

        And you can have your website up and running for only AUD $6/month (Less than a coffee &Toastie!).

        You can follow my Step-by-Step Instructions from this free Beginner’s Guide to create your own website/blog in less than 30 minutes.

        5 Easy Steps:

        1. Pick a Domain Name & Create your Hosting Account
        2. Install WordPress on your Hosting Account
        3. Choose a WordPress Theme
        4. Design Your Website/Blog
        5. Launch Your Website/Blog

        Now, let’s dive into these 5 Easy Steps to get started!

        STEP ONE

        #1 - Pick a Domain Name & Create your Hosting Account

        The combination of website/blogging platform and hosting service that I personally use (also used by more than 2 million website owners) is WordPress, hosted by Bluehost.

        One of the most attractive benefits of Bluehost is that you get a FREE Domain Name for the 1st year when you Sign Up.

        (1) Click here to head over to Bluehost

        (2) Click at the green “Get Started Now” button

        (3) Choose a hosting plan – Recommend the ‘Choice Plus’ Plan

        I think the ‘Choice Plus’ Plan in the best value plan, because it comes with Domain Privacy, which will protect your personal information from being published online (including your name, email address, contact number and home address). You can also get a lot more unlimited features, including unlimited websites for future growth.

        If you’re happy for people to know who owns the blog with your personal information, then you can choose the ‘Basic’ plan.

        Or you can choose the ‘Basic’ plan first and then add the domain privacy during the checkout process for around $1/month.

        Once decided, click the green “Select” button.

        (4) Create a Domain Name

        Just type in a name that you would like your website to have (mine is

        If your domain name isn’t available, you can either try another name or skip this step by clicking at “I will create my domain later”.

        While the name you choose is one of the more important parts of setting up your website, remember that you can always change in the future—so don’t let this step hold you back.

        Some ideas to help you:

        • Choose something that’s close to your topics, your niche or your message?
        • What name would grab your customer’s or reader’s attention?
        • Choose something short and catchy that will be easily remembered?
        • Or use your name or nickname as personal branding (For example, or or

        (5) Create your Account

        A. Fill in your account details.

        B. Choose an Account Plan & Package Extras

        If you want to lock in the lowest price (and gets your domain privacy) for the next 3 years, choose ‘Prime 36 Months Price’ because this low pricing for new customers only applies to the first payment you make.

        If you are not sure how long you want to keep your website up and running, you can choose the 12 Month Plan to get started first. But note that your pricing may go up after that first year.

        About Package Extras:

        Depends on your budget, you can choose all extras for peace of mind.

        But I normally don’t click any of the other options as they’re not essential. You can skip all if you don’t need them. 

        About the SEO Tools, I will show you later on in this guide some plugins & tools that you can use for FREE.

        You will see the total amount you need to pay today.

        Note: There is a 30-day money back guarantee in case things don’t go as planned with your website.


        C. Enter Payment Information and Submit

        After entering your payment information, remember to check the box as acknowledgment before clicking the green “Submit” button.

        (6) Create a Password for your Account

        You’ll see this page after creating and paying for your Bluehost account.

        Simply click on the green button to create your password.

        STEP TWO

        #2 - Install WordPress on your Hosting Account

        (1) Check your email

        You should then receive an email from BlueHost with all your account and login details. Check your spam folder if you haven’t received it.

        Keep your login and welcome information safe as you may need it for future reference.

        (2) Install WordPress (Automatic installation if you use Bluehost)

        You don’t need to worry about this step. The other reason why I recommend Bluehost is that it acts as a one-stop shop and WordPress will be automatically installed for you.  

        (3) Login to your BlueHost account

        After creating a new Password, all you have to do is click ‘Log in’ and choose a theme to start building your website immediately.

        STEP THREE

        #3 - Choose a WordPress Theme

        (1) Choose a WordPress Theme

        WordPress comes with a ton of free themes to choose from, so start with one of the options.

        If you are not sure which theme you want, don’t worry! You can go back and change it later.

        Note that there are Free Themes and Premium Themes (Paid).


        (2) Change/Add a new Theme (if required)

        You can skip this step if you don’t need to change the theme.

        If you want to add another theme, log into the WordPress dashboard site and you will see the Navigation Side Bar on the left hand side of the screen.

         Move the mouse over “Appearance” menu and then click on “Themes”.

        Click at “Add New Theme” on the screen.

        You can easily browse the themes either by the category tabs at the top, or by using the Feature Filter, or by using the search bar at the right hand corner.

        Once decided, click at the red “Install” button to install the theme of your choice.

        Once installed, click at the red “Activate” button.

        If you change your mind later on, you can always add another new theme, or switch back to your old theme.

        If have purchased a theme from another site, in order to upload your theme:   

        1. Click at “Themes” under the “Appearance” Menu side bar.
        2. At the top of the page, click at the “Upload” button.
        3. Once the page refreshes, click at the “Upload Theme” button.
        4. Click at “Choose File” to upload your theme .zip file.

        STEP FOUR

        #4 - Design Your Website/Blog

        (1) Learn your WordPress Dashboard features and functionality

        The best way to get to know your way around is to click on each tab and explore the options.

        Spend some time learning this dashboard by reviewing features that you will use most often.

        Watch some YouTube tutorials to learn more quickly.

        (2) Customize Settings and your default site URL

        Change the default URL of your website to include a “www” before your site URL, so that it looks much cleaner and tends to feel more trustworthy to readers.

        Click at “Settings > General” on the left hand navigation side bar.

        Add “www” to your WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL).

        Update the rest of the settings for your website.

        Click at the red “Save Changes” button.

        Also update other settings including “Settings > Reading” for your homepage display, and “Settings > Permalinks”

        (3) Install Plugins

        Plugins let you add all sorts of features, like SEO (Search Engine Optimization), email capturing, image optimization, social media integration etc.

        Click at “Plugins > Add New” on the left hand navigation side bar.

        Suggest installing these essential plugins today:

        • Elementor
        • ‘Yoast SEO’ or ‘All In One SEO Pack’
        • EWWW Image Optimizer
        • WPForms

        Click at the “Install Now” button and then go to the “Installed Plugins” page to activate the plugin if you want to start using them.

        (4) Set up Menu Structure

        You can set up the menu structure later after you have edited or published your pages.

        When you’re ready to create a homepage or footer menu, just click at “Appearance> Menus” on the left hand navigation side bar.

        Select the pages you want to add, and then click at the “Add to Menu” button.

        (5) Create/Edit Pages for your website

        Click at “Pages >All Pages” on the left hand navigation side bar.

        Choose the page (You can start with main/home Page) that you want to edit, and click at “Edit”.

        If you want to edit the website content, click at “Edit with Elementor”.

        You can start filling out all the basics for your website.

        • Customize your theme with colors, font styles, headers and footers.
        • Upload your logo.
        • Upload photos to inspire your site visitors and add clues about your values and services.
        • Create your first blog post and main page content.
        • Add a contact form

        Once ready, you can either ‘Publish’ it immediately, or schedule another time to publish it, or simply ‘Save Draft’. After you published it, you can always come back to make changes and publish it again.

        STEP FIVE

        #5 - Launch Your Website/Blog

        What do you do once you’ve hit publish?

        Pop the champagne and celebrate!

        You have completed these 5 major steps to create and launch your website. Well done!

        Share the great news and the wonderful website that you just created with your family and friends. =)

        If you want to bring your website/blog to the next level, Sign Up below to request for a FREE copy of Bonus Guide (See below Resources). With this Bonus Guide, you will:

        • Learn how to design your website more efficiently;
        • Get free and useful plugins, tools, websites and softwares that you can use;
        • Learn how to drive Traffic to your website;
        • Learn how to make money from your website or by blogging.

        Additional Resources:

        1. Beginner’s Guide (eBook) - FREE

        Let me know if you want the Beginner’s Guide Digital Copy for easy reference.

          2. Bonus Guide (eBook) – Coming Soon

          RESERVE NOW! Only FREE for the first 50 people on the waiting list (Usual Value $30)

            The Bonus Guide (eBook) will be launched very soon. If you want to bring your website/blog to the next level and don’t want to miss out a FREE COPY. RESERVE NOW!

            Highlights of the Bonus Guide:

            • Learn how to design your website more efficiently;
            • Free and useful plugins, tools, websites and softwares that you can use;
            • Learn how to drive Traffic to your website;
            • Learn how to make money from your website or by blogging.

            Be the first 50 people to get this Bonus Guide for FREE! Usual Value is $30.


            3. Book an Appointment / Training Session

            If you do get stuck on any part of this guide, or if you need assistance to set up or design a website for you, you can book a one-on-one appointment or training session with me.

            You can contact me here.

            Follow CExperiences

            Don’t want to miss out the latest from CExperiences?

            Subscribe now to receive tips, ideas and insights about website building, blogging, online business, personal developement and entrepreneurship. 

            #4 [FREE Instructions] How to Create a Website/Blog (Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide) Read More »

            Poster CExperiences

            #1 My Story, My Experience, My Life


            I’m Cyndi, Founder and Life Coach at CExperiences, based in Sydney, Australia.

            I’m also a lifestyle challenger, world explorer, experience collector and lifelong learner who believes that life is meant to be lived to the fullest and shared.

            On 1 Aug 2019, I embarked on a new journey to create the ‘CExperiences’ community (Letter C stands for ‘Choose’, ‘Create’ and ‘Connect’, oh maybe ‘Cyndi’ as well, my own experiences :P).

            I hope that by sharing our experiences, perspectives and insights, more people are inspired to live a happy, fulfilling and meaningful life by being open to new possibilities, understanding their core values and getting out of their comfort zone to reach their highest potential.

            Thank you for stopping by my site and getting to know a bit more about me and this positive and supportive community.

            WHAT’S MY STORY ?

            If you know me personally, then you know that I’m always happy, cheerful and bubbly with a big smile on my face. I live a life that I am grateful and work hard for with joy, fun, love and freedom.

            I know that life has its ups and downs, but when a steep turn occurred to me unexpectedly, I wasn’t prepared. It was a painful and dark period when I lost a friend to suicide; when I felt trapped working 9-5 trading my time for money without motivation, challenges or fulfillment; when the flying hobby that I invested so much time, money and energy in didn’t turn out to be the way I anticipated; when someone I love and care about deeply decided to walk away from me; when friends and colleagues were spending the festive season with their family and love ones but I was alone at home overseas by myself, I was lost, lonely, isolated and unhappy.

            Yes, life is not always perfect and we can either scream or enjoy the ride, but I have lost my voice, my power, my strength and my identity. I wasn’t in my state of flow…I was in the void, a vast emptiness that fills my heart and lungs, I couldn’t breathe, and I was finding it difficult to break the surface.


            I guess hitting the rock bottom has taught me that life is too short and fragile. And I realised that if I’m searching for that one person that will change my life, I have to take a look at myself in the ‘mirror’ because everything I need is in me.

            I need to dig deep to understand who I am, what are my core values and beliefs, what I am good at and at the same time what fears, self-doubts and limiting beliefs are holding me back. I started my self-awareness and self-discovery journey by drawing my vision board, taking a personality test, doing meditations, writing a journal, creating a 365 Love Happy Jar, reading books, listening to podcasts, watching  inspirational videos on YouTube and joining the Six Figure Mentors (SFM) program.

            I have learned that love is not something I find in other people, it’s from my reservoir of self-love, gratitude, forgiveness, acceptance, compassion and generosity.

            I wouldn’t be here writing to you today without the inspiration, insights, lessons and everything I learned from this difficult but wonderful journey. Also, thanks to the motivation, encouragement and success stories from the SFM program, I embarked on my self-development journey with an open mind and an open heart which also leads to the creation of this ‘’ website using WordPress hosted by Bluehost


            Every person in the world has a choice, a choice to live a life they really want to live or continue with the status quo and cruise through life on autopilot. So often, we let fears get in the way and choose to take an easy approach to stay in the comfort zone.

            You are not alone, I also have my self-doubts, fears and these voices whispering in my head “I am not good enough, I am not confident, I don’t have a degree or experience to start something new, I don’t have time or money for that, I have never done it before, I have an accent, I don’t want to make a fool of myself……”. But I consciously told myself that I would never know unless I push myself past my comfort zone, give it a crack and see what happens. 

            Be bold, be brave, so what? Maybe the cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.


            I believe that there is a creator in all of us. We are constantly creating who we are and the world around us, through our thoughts, words and deeds. Life can be whatever you make of it. At the end of the day, it’s your life and you are responsible for it.

            Imagine a world with no limits – what would you do, see, create or become? And more importantly, who will you share it with?

            And at the end of your wonderful life, what will you remember? Will it be possessions and material belongs, or people and experiences, or a legacy you leave behind?

            This CExperiences community is here to help you explore the choices and possibilities you can have in order to create a life you are proud to look back on for yourself and your family.

            It’s here to offer inspiration, insights, tools and resources so that you are energised by possibilities to unleash your highest potential.

            It’s here to inspire you to live a life of purpose and meaning, that allows you to do what you love, to make time for what’s important, to recognise the value in people and in helping others, and to make a difference in this world for the better. 


            Are you ready to step forward and open a new door to see the future in your eyes?

            Are you ready to recognise yourself of who you truly are, your talents, your gifts and your abilities?

            It’s never too late to start, to choose a new experience, to discover the world, to explore your consciousness and essence, and to learn, grow and evolve into the best version of yourself.

            Be the change you wish to see in the world.

            No matter where you are today in your journey, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

            I’m truly grateful for everything we have and so much more of where we’re heading.

            Feel free to contact me when needed or simply sign up to join the CExperiences community if you want to be surrounded by like-minded people and share your experiences. ^.^

            Thanks for visiting

            With love and behind you all the way,

            Cyndi Liang

            What are you waiting for?

            Time to take action and start creating your new experience!


              #1 My Story, My Experience, My Life Read More »